Beyond Punching Up and Down

Overcoming Divisions in Anti-Racism

Things I’ve been reading this week:

This piece by David Feldman, the organiser of the conference in which the paper I share below was delivered, has written a very interesting essay on disconnections which have emerged between anti-racism and antisemitism since the 1960s.

I found this dialogue between Orla Guralnik (the therapist from the Netflix show Couples Therapy) and Christine, a former participant on the show, rich and fascinating. Guralnik grew up in Israel and Christine is Palestinian and they have a full and frank dialogue on all aspects of the conflict.

This long article on Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new engagement with Israel-Palestine after taking a trip there in the summer of 2023 is a must read.

This (again long) New Yorker profile of Jewish Currents magazine is a great read, and can usefully be paired with this New Left Review interview with Currents editor Arielle Angel (although both the New Yorker and the NLR bring their own agendas to the pieces in quite unhelpful ways)

I’m really enjoying this book, a new history of the Palestine Liberation Organisation Research Center in Beirut.

This was a paper I delivered on September 18th at the one day conference ‘Anti-racism and anti-antisemitism’ which took place at Birkbeck, organised by the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism.

There is a tendency today to do anti-racism in siloes. The bodies which deal with antisemitism have little to say about anti-racism more generally and bodies who work on anti-racism do scarce work on antisemitism. There is a distinct lack of organisations who do both simultaneously, and this results in an atmosphere of suspicion, competition and sometimes hostility between two worlds which, on the face of things, ought to be allies.

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Crossing the Narrow Bridge

On Diaspora Jewish Fear, and Those Who Stoke it

Things I’ve been reading recently:

A great piece about campus wars since October 7th and what they show about our ides of ‘the campus’

A highly thought-provoking article on ‘The Jew as Reactionary in the US Media’ with many implication for the UK as well.

A piece from 2017 on growing up Jewish in Holland and constantly being compared to Anne Frank

A fascinating essay connecting the Yiddish and Palestinian writer Avrom Sutskever and Mahmoud Darwish (email signup required)

A brilliant ‘Declaration of Diaspora Jewish Independence’ from the Prague-based group Jewish Voice of Solidarity

Jews are afraid. We have been told this again and again over the last ten months, so presumably it must be true. We’ve been told it mostly by media sources, with articles replete with anonymous Jewish testimonies, or ones with names changed, a time-honoured technique for insinuating something without having to actually prove it.  We have also heard it from Jewish family and friends, usually influenced by this media coverage. On the whole, this is the source of the fear, rather than direct personal experience. But in addition, many people know someone whose niece’s friend saw something nasty. And everyone has seen a screenshot of something offensive. There’s a reasonable chance that you reading this have also felt afraid, unnerved at a comment or something you’ve seen online. And if you haven’t felt afraid, isn’t that in itself a cause for concern? Do you worry that you’re missing something? Or that there might be something suspect about your Jewish identity?

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